Do you have an Ofsted rating?
We currently have Ofsted ratings at our Stoke Newington (Defoe Road), West Hampstead, Cobham, Ockham and Weybridge nurseries. However, before we open any of our settings, Ofsted will visit to sign-off our nursery. They could then come to perform a full inspection within the first 30 months, but we don't know when this will be as their visits are random! Once they've visited, their report will be available to access around a month after the inspection. Please do take a look at our latest Ofsted inspection for West Hampstead, where we got rated Outstanding!When will Ofsted come?
Before we open, Ofsted will sign-off our nursery, and they could then come to perform a full inspection within the first 30 months, but we don't know when this will be as their visits are random! Once they've visited, their report will be available to access around a month after the inspection.I can see you’ve had an Ofsted Outstanding rating in Stoke Newington, why do you think this is?
Ofsted were really impressed with our leadership and management, the quality of teaching, learning and development that our children receive, alongside their personal development and welfare. Ultimately, all of these factors mean that we're able to ensure that the children's outcomes are really positive - Ofsted's report is available to access online here if you'd like to read it in full.