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Spinach and leek pancakes with salmon

Spinach and leek pancakes with salmon


55 mins

30 mins

25 mins

Flip, roll, drizzle and get a load of this spinach and leek pancake recipe from our N kitchen. Savoury, cheesy and served with salmon for some additional protein and healthy fats. They’re pretty pantastic!


1/4 small white onions, grated
1/2 tsp garlic puree
100g frozen spinach, thawed out and drained
1 small white leek, white part only, grated
40g creme fraiche or oatly creme fraiche
1/2 cup of tomato sauce
3tbps breadcrumbs
50g grated cheese
200g salmon fillet skinless

For the pancake mix:

100g plain flour
200ml plant-based milk
10ml veg oil


Blend pancake ingredients and let them rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Saute the onion, leek and garlic for 5 minutes until soft. Add spinach and creme fraiche and cook for 5 minutes. Add half breadcrumbs.
Fry (and flip!) pancakes. Spread a large tablespoon of the spinach mix into a pancake, roll and place in a greased ovenproof dish. Repeat until pan is full and top with a little tomato sauce, cheese and breadcrumbs. Bake in a hot oven for 25 minutes until golden brown and cheese has melted.
Check salmon for bones, prepare in 50g portions and bake. Serve separately