Nourishing children’s brains for optimal development by Lucinda Miller
Lucinda Miller, a leading naturopath and child nutrition expert with 30 years of experience and […]
Read moreJames Catchpole is an agent for children’s books. He never meant to write a book of his own. But when he started hanging around playgrounds with his own children, he remembered something he’d almost forgotten: of course, all the other kids come over to ask him what happened to his leg. (That he doesn’t have. Being an amputee.) Just like they always did when he was a kid! Except now, their parents come over too, looking sheepish, and asking: what should we do? So that’s why he wrote What Happened To You? It’s the first-ever picture book addressing how a disabled child might want to be spoken to and we’re delighted to welcome James to our N Family talks this month to discuss this hugely important topic.