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Artichoke, aubergine and pea paella

Artichoke, aubergine and pea paella


55 mins

20 mins

35 mins

Variety is the spice of life, and there’s plenty of that in this paella. Artichokes, aubergines, peas and butterbeans are seasoned with paprika and turmeric in this bright and flavourful dish.


1 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 aubergine
1 red pepper, chopped
Handful of cherry tomatoes
240g Basmati/paella rice
Tomato sauce or tomato puree
50g tinned artichoke hearts
1tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp turmeric
1 tin butter beans


To serve:

240g peas


Cook the onion, garlic, red pepper and aubergine.

Wash the rice, add to the pan and fry it for a few minutes. 

Add the spices, cover with hot water and cook until the rice is ready.

Then add the butter beans, cooked artichoke hearts, chopped cherry tomatoes and tomato puree/sauce. Put the lid on and let it cook on low heat for a further 15 minutes. 

Cook the peas and serve on the side.