Para dormir a un elefante
Interacting with your child through music supports language acquisition and helps with speech development.
Read moreYour listening ears.
“Diggers are good at dig, dig, digging,
scooping up the earth and lifting and tipping.
They make huge holes with their dig, dig, digging.
They can work all day.”
Trucks and tractors, fire engines and helicopters – they all like to work hard. But after a long, happy day of beep-beeping and vroom-vrooming, even the busiest engines need to rest. This bright, bouncy, noise-filled book about dig, dig, digging brings together all the vehicles that children adore.
Extend the learning:
While listening to the dig, dig, digging story, try and pause the video to repeat some of the sounds and noises that are described in the book and encourage your child to repeat after you. Don’t forget that eye contact is important throughout this process to encourage your child to read your lips and repeat.
Why not listen to the story again? Children will love spotting all the details on each page and joining in with all the different sounds; as tractors ‘squelch’ through the mud and dumper trucks go ‘crash!’.
Why not use some recycled materials such as cereal boxes, bottles, lids etc to create your very own vehicle? What materials will you use? What dig, dig, digging sound will your vehicle make?