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Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs

What you need

A cosy space and your imaginative bucket!


  • Problem solving skills
  • Boosts children’s imagination
  • Supports emotional development
  • Helps to build empathy, courage and perseverance

The experience

Sit in a cosy area and listen to the wonderful story Harry and the bucketful of Dinosaurs.

Harry finds some dusty plastic dinosaurs in Nan’s attic. He cleans them, finds out their names and takes them everywhere – until, one day, the dinosaurs get lost! The lost property man gets a surprise when Harry proves the dinosaurs are his by calling them over to him.

After listening to this story, why not imagine that you find an old box in your attic or a cupboard in your house. What might be hidden inside? 

Look back through the video and find the images with the different dinosaurs. Use them as the inspiration for your own art. Can you draw/paint a new type of dinosaur? Why not give him a special name?

Share your artwork with us on Famly!