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Para dormir a un elefante

What you need

Your listening ears.


Interacting with your child through music supports language acquisition and helps with speech development. The children further develop their listening and attention skills while interacting with others and learning.

The experience

Find a cosy area at home and get ready to show your Elephant moves with this wonderful interactive song sung by Maria and Elvira in Spanish.


Para dormir a un elefante

Se necesita un chupete gigante

Un sonajero de coco

Y saber cantar un poco


Para dormir, para dormir

Para dormir a un elefante

Para dormir, para dormir

Para dormir a un elefante


Para dormir a un elefante

Se necesita un chupete gigante

Un sonajero de coco

Y saber cantar un poco


Para dormir, para dormir

Para dormir a un elefante

Para dormir, para dormir

Para dormir a un elefante


To extend the learning:

Place your baby on your lap so that they can enjoy feeling close to you. With children over the age of 2, make sure that you have their attention and eye contact. Say/sing the rhyme or emphasise some of the movements or words such as elefante, para dormir. Repeat the rhyme, but do so slowly and note the parts that the child seems to recognise. 


Have fun!