Doodle Dancing
What you’ll need A stick A piece of long ribbon (ideally 1-1.5m in length) Benefits […]
Read moreSit somewhere comfortable with your child and watch or read the story. If watching the video, pause to allow for discussion; if you have the book available, look at the cover of the book and discuss what the story might be about. While reading or listening, encourage your child to look at the pictures of the animals and name them. Speak to them about the origin of animals and their features and try to imitate animal noises – encourage your child to join in with familiar words in the story.
If you wish to extend this activity, you could talk about British animals and/or use a globe/atlas and talk about the country of origin of the animals from the book.
Listen to some jungle sounds on YouTube and enjoy pretending to be different animals, making the appropriate sounds and movements – a fun and engaging physical and communication activity for all the family to enjoy!