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How to teach your child to ride a bike

A little boy learning how to ride a bike

Remember how exciting it was when you first learned to ride a bike on your own? Well, now here you are, about to help your child experience that feeling for themselves.

The joy of riding a bike for the first time

Riding a bike for the first time without any help is a thrilling rite of passage. This guide will walk you through the essential steps on how to teach a child to ride a bike. Follow these tips for a fun and safe learning experience.

Ideal age and timing for learning

Between the ages of 4 and 6 is generally the best time to teach a child how to ride a bike. However, age isn’t the only factor. Children tend to be more cautious if they’re not exposed to bike riding by the age of six. Therefore, timing can be a key factor in how quickly they learn. If your child is enrolled in a nursery in the UK, you might find that they offer introductory cycling activities that can supplement your efforts at home.

What you’ll need: gearing up for the adventure

Before the learning starts, it’s essential to get your hands on the right gear. Your shopping list should include:

  • A bike sized appropriately for your child
  • A well-fitted helmet
  • Knee and elbow pads for added safety
  • Optional training wheels or stabilisers for beginners

8 simple steps for teaching your child to ride a bike

Between the ages of four and six years old is the ideal time to teach a child how to ride a bike. Children tend to be more cautious if you don’t expose them to riding a bike before the age of six but with these steps, it’ll be fun and thrilling experience for everyone involved. 

1. Safety first

With any adventure, there are likely to be a few bumps and scrapes along the way. The most important thing for cycling is to get the right helmet for your child. It should be level, with a 1-2 inch gap between their eyebrows and the helmet. The straps and fixings should be firm but not too tight.

2. A perfect spot

Look for a quiet, traffic-free area like a cycle path, a stretch of smooth tarmac, an area with short grass or somewhere with a slight downward slope to help your child get started. Once they’re more confident, an area with gentle hills is a great place for them to practice picking up speed, gliding and balancing.

3. The balancing act

You can temporarily turn your child’s bike into a balance bike by removing the pedals. It’s not an essential step but can help.  When they’re seated, make sure your child’s feet are flat on the ground with a slight bend to the knee. This will help them push off the ground to gain momentum and stop and start independently. 

4. Walk, run, glide!

Once you’ve got your child all set up, help them use their feet to walk forward on the bike. They might wobble a bit at first, so make sure you’re beside them to support them. When they’re comfortable walking slowly on their bike, get them to try running first and then, eventually, gliding and balancing on the bike.

5. Steer in the right direction

Straight lines sorted? Encourage your child to try steering in different directions to understand how their bike reacts when they move their handlebars. Once your child is confident balancing, gliding and changing direction (some children will pick this up in 10 minutes while others will need a lot longer), you can put the pedals back on.

6. Record braker

After you’ve reinstated the pedals, make sure your child can still start and stop their bike with their feet on the floor. Raise the seat height so they can still touch the floor with flat feet but without a bent knee. Then, have your child run on the bike again with their feet behind the pedals and using their brakes to control their speed. This is usually easier going down a slight slope.

7. Start pedalling

Double-check that you’ve replaced the pedals correctly and then your child is good to go. The trick is for them to gain enough momentum by running with the bike before putting their feet on the pedals. It’s helpful for you to hold your child rather than the bike when they’re getting started. When they’re ready, encourage them to look up at where they want to go, get their bike moving and pedal!

8. Build confidence

Walk with them still holding on in case they wobble over. Hold on from behind and not with the handlebar so that your child can move the bike freely and control the steering. When you feel they’re ready to cycle on their own, slowly release your hold. But make sure you stay close by in case they need a bit of help stopping.

And off they go!

As always with children, it’s best not to try when they’re hungry, tired or having a grumpy day – that’s no one’s idea of fun. Try to include some games in your practice sessions to keep them entertained, and if things aren’t quite clicking and your child is getting frustrated, perhaps come back to it all another day when they’re full of enthusiasm again. For parents looking to incorporate more physical activity into their child’s routine, consider taking daily walks as a complementary exercise.

The role of parents in the learning journey

While it’s the child who is in the saddle, the parents are often the ones running beside the bike, giving instructions, and offering encouragement. Your role as a parent is crucial in making this learning experience positive and fruitful.

Be a calm and consistent guide

Children can easily pick up on your emotions. If you’re anxious or frustrated, chances are they will be too. Try to remain calm and patient throughout the teaching process. Consistent, easy-to-follow instructions will make the learning experience less confusing and more enjoyable for your child.

The importance of constructive feedback

Be mindful of the feedback you give. Constructive criticism is essential, but it should always be balanced with praise and encouragement. Instead of saying “Don’t wobble,” say something like “Great job! Now let’s try to keep the bike a little straighter.”

Involvement beyond the bike

Your role extends beyond the physical act of teaching. For example, involve your child when you’re maintaining the bike or when you’re planning a family bike ride. This will give them a holistic understanding of what cycling involves and how to take responsibility for their equipment and their safety. 

The joy of independence and the road ahead

Learning how to ride a bike is one of those childhood milestones that we all remember. Hopefully, this advice will help you create lasting memories for your child now that it’s their turn to get cycling!