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Boating adventure

A toy boat made out of bottles and tape
A toy boat made out of bottles and tape

What you need

  • Your singing voice
  • Small toy boats/recycling items to create your own boats
  • You may also like to sing along to our version of ‘Row, row, row your boat


  • Making connections between the words from the song (and the actions) and playing with toy boats helps extend your child’s language and understanding. 
  • Exploring boats in water at bath time or during water play allows the opportunity to begin building understanding of scientific concepts such as floating and sinking.

The experience

After listening to and enjoying the song, you can make connections by playing with your own boats!

Boats make a lovely addition to bathtime. If you have toy boats, you can place them into the bathtub and enjoy singing the song as your play. Model to your child how they can push the boats along their own ‘river/stream’! Alternatively, you may like to provide a large container of water to enjoy water play.

If you don’t have boats, you could have fun making some together! Look through your recycling and see what materials you could use to make a boat – fruit punnets can work well (without holes!), and you could add straws and paper/card to make sails.