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Bottle printing

Bottle printing - purple flower art
Bottle printing - purple flower art

What you need

Empty plastic drinks bottle/s (ideally use bottles that have the four circular pieces at the base).


Printing is a fun way to make marks and get creative. There is the option to create some lovely Spring flowers to add some seasonal learning.

The experience

Provide some coloured paint/s in shallow containers. Place on a table or covered floor surface (you could even enjoy this outside on a patio/balcony area). Give your child some paper and the drinks bottle/s. 

Show your child how they can dip the base of the bottle into the paint and then use this to print on their paper. They will enjoy seeing the marks they can make. Ask them, ‘What shapes can you see?’ ‘What does it look like?’ 

Experiment with different colours, perhaps even mixing some to make new effects on the paper. 

Once your child has had the opportunity to experiment, you could show them how they can make Spring flowers, by creating the petals with the print of the base of the bottle. They can then draw or paint with a paintbrush the other details such as the stem and leaves.