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Campbell’s soup

Campbells soups illustration
Campbells soups illustration

What you need

  • An item of food/drink in your house
  • Pencils
  • Paper


  • Drawing develops children’s fine motor skills; the movement of their hands, wrists and fingers.
  • It encourages visual analysis and helps children develop their hand-eye coordination.
  • It can also help children develop their concentration (giving you ten minutes to send that email).

The experience

It’s likely that you may not have a tin of Campbell’s soup in your home, so you get to pick something different. Maybe a tin of beans, a ketchup bottle, a coffee jar?

You can then explore:


  • What colours can we see?
  • What size is it?
  • What shapes can we see?
  • What letters can we see on the label?


Then get creative in copying the item onto paper, adaptations are fine and a change in colour is ideal – you can create your own version of Warhol’s famous pop art!