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Easy easel: A creative window to imagination

A child painting on an easel
A child painting on an easel

What you need

  • Clingfilm 
  • Paints/felt tips 
  • Paint brushes 
  • Two surfaces around 1 meter apart e.g. two chairs/table and kitchen counter


  • This is an exciting way to create art and try and mirror images that we can see on the other side.
  • Your child will explore their fine/gross motor skills whilst exploring different varieties of mark-making.

The experience

In between the two surfaces/chairs, stretch cling film out as if it is an easel. Set up the mark-making tools on one side of the clingfilm. You can then use your mark-making tools to get creative – the possibilities are endless.


  • You can draw what you see through the cling film.
  • Can you draw your family?
  • Can you circle all the shapes you can see?
  • Can you match the colours from your paint to the colours you can see in the room?
  • Can you do a portrait of one of your family members as they sit behind the clingfilm?
  • Can you write some letters?