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Homemade Ice Cream

Ice cream in a bag and sprinkles in a bowl next to it
Ice cream in a bag and sprinkles in a bowl next to it

What you need

  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • ½ a cup of milk or cream
  • ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract (or flavoring of your choice)
  • 6 tablespoons of salt (table salt works or rock salt would be better)
  • Enough ice to fill a large zip lock half way
  • 1 large zip lock
  • 1 medium zip lock


  • Maths – talking about the numbers and different measurements including what a half or quarter looks like, which is a great challenge for older children
  • Literacy – following instructions using simple words
  • Communication and language – great way to get your child talking and adding new words to their vocabulary
  • Science – talking about the different changes that they see happening and expanding their understanding of the world around them

The experience

  1. Fill the large zip lock halfway with ice and add the salt
  2. Pour milk, sugar and extract into a bowl and mix
  3. Pour this mixture into the medium ziplock bag
  4. Seal bag securely
  5. Place the medium zip lock into the large ziplock on top of the ice and salt
  6. Move and shake the bag around for 4-5 mins or until you can see the liquid has now changed into an ice cream texture
  7. Grab some spoons and enjoy!!


Talk to your child throughout this activity and encourage them to do things independently. Introduce new mathematical words into their vocabulary such as solid, liquid, measure etc.