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Magazine strip pictures

A heart made out of magazine strips
A heart made out of magazine strips

What you need

  • A selection of magazines or catalogues (you could even use flyers/leaflets that have come through the door) 
  • Some strong paper/card or a piece of cardboard
  • Child-friendly scissors
  • Glue


  • A great way to practice scissor skills or ripping thin strips, both of which are excellent for fine motor skill development and use of the thumb and forefingers, needed for writing. 
  • A lovely way to make some fun art for your home!

The experience

Create an outline shape with your child. This could be their favourite animal, a fun shape or perhaps a character, like an outline shape of a superhero or a fairy. Draw this outline onto the cardboard or a piece of strong paper, and cut around it (this bit is best done by yourself, ahead of your child taking over for their activity). 

Provide a range of magazines/leaflets, some child-friendly scissors (if your child is ready for them) and some glue (glue stick or liquid glue and a spreader is fine). 

Show your child how to create thin strips from the magazines/flyers either tearing or cutting with scissors (they may like to try both) and how to stick these strips onto the cardboard. The idea is to continue sticking strips, closely together so that no cardboard shows through. Once the whole shape is covered, you may need to trim any strips that are overhanging. 

The different colours of the pages will create a unique piece of art your child will be proud to show off! We would love to see photos of this on Famly if you give it a go!