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Make your own passport

Make a passport. - games for children
Make a passport. - games for children

What you need

  • Paper and a pen
  • Your passport


This helps your child explore a little bit about themselves and can lead to you talking about different parts of the world.

The experience

It’s best to have your passport or your child’s passport out to use as an example. Talk about the key information that is in a passport.


  • We all have our own number
  • Male/female 
  • D.O.B
  • Our own picture
  • Our emergency contacts


Then your child can find their own information and create their own passport. This can lead to a conversation about all the places you have visited or would like to visit.


  • How will you get there?
  • What is the weather like there?
  • What language do they speak there?
  • What do they traditionally wear there?


To extend this learning further, you could use the Barefoot World Atlas app, one of our top recommendations for online learning. It allows you to virtually explore the world together, and perhaps get inspired for the places your child would love to go to.