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Making lemonade

Hands pouring lemonade with lemons in a bowl in the background
Hands pouring lemonade with lemons in a bowl in the background

What you need

  • 1 lemon
  • A fork
  • A plate
  • A cup
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (or other sweetener)
  • A cup of water


This activity will provide a sensory experience and help develop fine motor skills. Your child can develop their scientific thinking and language as you discuss and explore together the changes in ingredients. Also great for this lovely warm weather!

The experience

Cut the lemon in 3 or 4 slices. Put them on a plate for your child to mash with a fork.  Talk about the colour, consistency, smell and taste of the lemon.

Pour the lemon juice into the cup and add water. Then add the tablespoon of honey – ask your child to mix it with a spoon until the honey dissolves (disappears). Talk about the colour, consistency, smell and taste of the honey. 

Look at the finished product and encourage your child to use their senses to describe it – what does it smell like? How does it taste? Would they change anything about the ingredients if they were to make it again?