Painting fork fireworks
What you’ll need: Old forks or brushes Non-toxic, washable paints Black paper or card Newspaper/an […]
Read moreThe story of ‘Mini Rabbit Not Lost’, read by Katy.
Through story time, children develop their imagination, curiosity and communication. Their focus and listening skills are developed as they concentrate on what the storyteller is saying. It also helps to improve language skills and extend their vocabulary.
Mini Rabbit is making a cake. Cake, cake, cake!
But he’s run out of berries. No berries, no cake.
No cake? No way! So off he goes to look for some…
He’s not cold, not too small.
And, no, no, definitely NOT LOST…
or is he?
Find a nice and cosy area in your home and listen to the story together a few times.
Your child may pick out some of the repetitive phrases from the story and may also want to predict what may happen next.
Why not try and act the story out after. You may want to use different voices for the characters, go on an adventure in your home and look for berries!