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Playdough printing

A flower pressed into play dough - play dough printing games
A flower pressed into play dough - play dough printing games

What you need

  • Some playdough (see our playdough recipe to find out how to make your own)
  • Some household objects to use for printing e.g. a key, a comb, kitchen cutlery/utensils or natural items such as pine cones, shells and pebbles.


Your child will be fascinated to see the imprints of the different objects and learn about cause and effect as they explore. This is also a lovely way to develop language as you talk about and name objects.

The experience

Set up an area such as a table or even high chair tray. Provide your child with the playdough and the objects and let them explore. 

You may like to model to them how they can use the objects to create imprints, to encourage them to have a go themselves.