Doodle Dancing
What you’ll need A stick A piece of long ribbon (ideally 1-1.5m in length) Benefits […]
Read moreSinging this song enhances hand-eye coordination, listening skills and the ability to follow directions. Language skills are enhanced, creativity is promoted, and it helps to raise your child’s self-confidence.
This game can be played on the spur of the moment with no props, or you can decide to create some simple and fun costumes!
The song for sleepy bunnies starts with everyone on the floor pretending to sleep; as the bunnies wake up, everyone jumps up and hops around. You can also clap your hands as you jump and encourage your child to join in with the clapping.
See the little bunnies sleeping, sleeping till it’s noon,
Shall we go and wake them with a merry tune?
Oh, how still, are they ill?
Wake up soon…
…wake up little bunnies!
Jump little bunnies jump jump jump, jump jump jump, jump jump jump
Hop little bunnies hop hop hop, hop hop hop.