Lemon volcano experiment
What you need A lemon (cut in half) Food colouring Washing up liquid Bicarbonate soda/baking [...]
Read moreYour singing voice, soap and water!
An important lesson in hygiene and how to keep our hands clean!
With hand washing being an important habit, especially at present, here are some different songs to sing while you and your child wash your hands, to ensure they spend the recommended 20 seconds washing their hands thoroughly.
Tops and Bottoms
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
Tops and Bottoms, Tops and Bottoms, (Rub top and bottom of hands)
In between, In between, (Rub fingers inside on both hands)
All around our hands, All around our hands, (Just like it says)
Then we wash. Bam, Bam, Bam.
Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands
(To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat):
Wash, wash
Wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean.
Scrub them here (with hand motion scrubbing together)
Scrub them there (with hand motion scrubbing tops of hands)
And scrub them in between (with hand motion scrubbing between fingers).
Wash, wash, wash, your hands
Play our handy game
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain HEY!
Wash, wash, wash, your hands
Play our handy game
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain HEY!
Twinkle, twinkle little star:
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Look how clean my two hands are,
Soap and water, wash and scrub,
Get those germs off rub-a-dub,
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Look how clean my two hands are