Lemon volcano experiment
What you need A lemon (cut in half) Food colouring Washing up liquid Bicarbonate soda/baking [...]
Read moreLanguage development is the main learning intention here, but there is also the opportunity to include maths skills as you explore shapes, size and colours, extending mathematical vocabulary. The game is also very physical as each player moves around to find their items.
Agree on the space to play and perhaps the rooms where each player is allowed to explore, hunting for the items.
One person is the queen or king and calls out, ‘I am the queen/king and I would like something ___’. You can then add a descriptive word such as a colour, sound or letter. The other players must run around the house looking for an item that matches the description given. There are two ways to play: either –
The first person back wins and they are now the queen/king
You can let the queen/king decide whose item was the best and that person becomes the new queen/king.
Examples of play:
If you want to extend this game, you can add in some numbers by asking for three blue items, etc. or by asking for items that are bigger than a mug or smaller than a book e.g. can I have a purple item that is smaller than this book? You could also get creative and make a crown for the Monarch to wear!