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Toy Hunt & Curiosity Play

A child sitting on a blanket surrounded by toys
A child sitting on a blanket surrounded by toys

What you need

  • A variety of toys or everyday objects (babies want to put everything in their mouths, make sure that everything you choose for the basket is safe – nothing should be small enough for the baby to swallow or have any sharp edges)
  • A storage box or sandbox (if available)


  • Vocabulary development
  • Grammar Development
  • Taking Turns
  • Creating sentences
  • This activity will also promote curiosity and exploratory play

The experience

Prepare a nice open area where you and your child can sit comfortably together. Use the bucket or toy box and place a variety of toys and everyday objects in it. Close your eyes and go on a toy hunt with your child.

If you do have a sandbox, you can hide the toys in the sand and then go on a sandpit toy hunt!

As you and your child pull toys out of the box, name them and talk in detail about them. For example, if you pull out a doll, you can say “I found the little doll!”

Let your child choose freely from the basket; it is important to let them lead the activity, as this is how they will learn the most from it. Try to only intervene when it seems as though the child may need further guidance or if they suggest they want you to join in.