Paper aeroplanes
What you need Paper An area to enjoy flying! Optional: mark-making tools such as markers/crayons [...]
What you need Paper An area to enjoy flying! Optional: mark-making tools such as markers/crayons [...]
What you need Sticks collected from outdoors (or you could use the end of a [...]
What you need Magazine/book/newspaper cutouts of people from around the world (if your child is [...]
What you need Your listening ears. Benefits Reading to your child helps them to get [...]
What you need Some small rolling pins (if you don’t have any, use cardboard tubes [...]
What you need A selection of magazines or catalogues (you could even use flyers/leaflets that [...]
What you need Cardboard tubes, such as toilet paper rolls Cling film Rubber bands/tape A [...]
What you need Paper plates, with the central circular part cut out A stick in [...]
What you need Cuddly animals Bandages/plasters Clipboard/paper - you could create your own sheet to [...]