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Doodle Dancing

What you’ll need A stick A piece of long ribbon (ideally 1-1.5m in length) Benefits […]

Dinosaur ice eggs

What you need Latex water balloons Access to a kitchen or outdoor tap Small toy […]

One cup of Lego

The possibilities with Lego or Duplo blocks are endless; they’re a great way to challenge your child.

Water spray painting

Well, isn’t this splash-tastic! What’s not to love with this hands-on colour spray activity.

Toothbrushing game

A fun way to help children understand why it’s important to brush their teeth and how to do it properly.

Hide and seek challenge: Hide a toy

What you need A small toy to be hidden around the home A piece of [...]

Take a photo challenge

What you need The means to take a photo e.g. phone, tablet or camera A [...]

Messy Fun: Mud sculptures

Making mud pies or mud sculptures is fun for everyone (although a little bit messy!) and can lead to lots of imaginative scenarios.

Monkey with the bright blue bottom

What you need Your listening ears. Benefits Introducing preschool-aged children to jungle animals Learning about [...]

Toddler balance games

What you need Small beanbags Small board books A small ball and a spoon Benefits [...]