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Try this at home - Page 25

Supporting your child’s learning through language

Top tips Here are our top tips for supporting your child’s learning and development simply [...]

The Gruffalo

What you need A nice and cosy area at home and your listening ears. Benefits [...]

Let’s go to the dough disco!

What you need Playdough - homemade (try out our recipe) or store bought, and a [...]

Natural resource printing

What you need Natural items from the garden/park Paper  Crayons/ pencils Benefits This activity is [...]

What should we sing?

What you need Deep container such as a basket Fabric such as a scarf to [...]

Home environment music making

What you need A few objects that make sound from your house. For example, a [...]

How to use playdough with very young babies

What you need Playdough, rolling pin, cookie cutter (any shape). If you don’t have any [...]

Making a telephone

What you need 2 empty and clean yogurt pots, string, scissors, tape. Benefits Experimenting, using [...]

Patterns and colours – sock matching

This activity not only helps with your washing but also encourages your child to get their brain working on categorising patterns and recognising shapes.

What’s in the bag?

What you need An empty rucksack or bag such as a cotton tote bag A [...]

Building an obstacle course

What you need Chairs Cushions Balls Baskets Scarves Anything that could be added to an [...]

Sinking & floating

What you need A range of household objects/small toys, and a large container to fill [...]