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Try this at home - Page 20

Makaton animals

What you need A nice, cozy spot to watch and listen to our video. Benefits [...]

Storytime: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

What you need 3 different sized bowls Water Porridge Measuring cups (if available) Benefits Reading [...]

Baby doll care

What you need Baby doll Bottle Nappy Benefits Learning how to care for something can [...]

Create the perfect indoor picnic

What you need Your picnic food, such as finger food, mini sandwiches, fruit skewers, cakes, [...]

Bucket maths game

What you need Containers Water Sand Chalk or paper numbers to label buckets Benefits This [...]

‘Family I can’t see’ Mini Me

What you need Pictures of family or friends. Benefits Having a ‘mini me’ supports children’s [...]

Outdoor obstacle course

What you need Garden/Park space Sticks, small logs, leaves, stones, string/rope and anything really from [...]

Free the frozen animals

What you need Plastic toys, such as animals Water Ice cube tray Squeezy bottle Food [...]

Balloon kicking

What you need Balloons String/ribbon Benefits A fun, physical challenge to get those legs and [...]

Mirror play: facial expressions & interactions

What you need A mirror and lots of interaction Benefits Facial expressions can display personal [...]

The Smartest Giant in Town

What you need Your listening ears. Benefits Reading together and storytelling helps your child get [...]

Bean bag throwing

What you need A bean bag (if you don’t have one, make your own by [...]