We’re going on a rhyme hunt
What you need A few items that rhyme (cat, hat, mat; log, frog, dog; lizard, [...]
What you need A few items that rhyme (cat, hat, mat; log, frog, dog; lizard, [...]
What you need Yourselves and lots of energy! Benefits Learning about taking turns, counting to [...]
What you need A cardboard box, or collection of cardboard boxes that you can cut [...]
What you need Your amazing singing voice! Benefits Introducing a new song, vocabulary extension, listening [...]
What you need Some small animal toys (if you don’t have animals, this could easily [...]
What you need A cardboard tube of any kind Two containers to catch and collect [...]
What you need Paper Coloured pencils/markers/crayons Bubble solution Paint Benefits Reading and storytelling with your [...]