Making lemonade
What you need 1 lemon A fork A plate A cup 1 tablespoon of honey [...]
What you need Toothpicks An apple Benefits This activity can help introduce 2D or 3D [...]
What you need A variety of soft toys. If you’re feeling creative, you can improvise [...]
What you need Black felt pen Paper/cardboard circle shape (and write numbers 1-5 on it) [...]
The classic egg and spoon race is a great way to develop your child’s hand-eye coordination.
What you need A mirror Silver pots and utensils (spoons, large and small; whisk) Tinsel [...]
What you need Family photos (this is a great experience to move on from the [...]
What you need A walk around your local community A phone to take some pictures [...]
What you need Your singing voice Small toy boats/recycling items to create your own boats [...]
What you need Some small toy cars Card and tape to make a wind sail [...]