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Try this at home - Page 9

Outdoor fun with three in a row

What you need 4 longish ‘sticks’ (garden canes, broom handles or swimming noodles) 6 matching [...]

Whiffy Wilson: The wolf who wouldn’t go school

What you need Your listening ears. Benefits 'The Wolf Who Wouldn’t Go to School' is [...]

Natural transient art

What you need Leaves Twigs Stones Acorns Soil Anything you can find outside! Benefits Gaining [...]

Obstacle course

What you need An assortment of household items that can be used as “obstacles”:   [...]

The day the crayons quit

What you need A set of crayons White paper Your listening ears Benefits ‘The day [...]

Relax time with water sounds

What you need White, blue or navy sheet Dimmed lights Water sounds on a speaker [...]

Bear and Hare: Mine!

What you need Your listening ears. Benefits Emotional development - Bear and Hare is a [...]

Roasted pineapple & mint

Ingredients Ripe pineapple Chopped mint to garnish Coconut oil Maple syrup Method Preheat the oven [...]

Floor angels workout

What you need A space on the floor with room to lie down, with enough [...]

A hug in the post

What you need Large paper  Crayons/markers or paint and brushes  Scissors (for older children, allow [...]

Symmetry cards: Shape creations with pipe cleaners

What you need Card Pipe cleaners, or alternatives such as ribbon, twine or lollipop sticks [...]

Make your own wall art

What you need Paper or card  Masking tape  Paint and paint brushes Benefits Your child [...]