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Try this at home - Page 18

5 little birds

What you need Scarves or loose materials A safe place to move around Benefits Maths [...]

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

What you need Your listening ears. Benefits Reading to babies and young children contributes to [...]

Globe trotting

What you need A globe or a map. Benefits This supports your child in learning [...]

Lucky dip

What you need A tub or box Shredded tissue paper/scrap paper Few random objects, such [...]

Hunt the thingy!

What you need A thingy (a familiar object or toy) and your home!  This is [...]

Stretching to music

What you need Floor space to move around A soft mat Slow and fast music [...]

Sing along with Sapfo: Teddy Bears’ picnic

What you need Your listening ears, your favourite teddies and a blanket. Benefits Learning about language, [...]

Magnet magic

What you need Just 1 magnet Benefits This gets your child exploring: using trial and [...]

Fluffy cloud dough

What you need Hair conditioner Cornflour Bowl for mixing A space to play such as [...]

Something Else

What you need Your listening ears, paper, pencil and a mirror. Benefits This is the perfect [...]

Supporting sleep

Intro Here are our top tips for supporting sleep. Considerations Childhood sleep is not consistent [...]

Create your own tugging box

What you need A box (something like a shoe box would be ideal) Ribbons or [...]