Blueberry, apple, vanilla and chia seed bircher
What you need 1¾ cup plant milk 2 cups porridge oats 50g chia seeds ¼ [...]
What you need A canvas bag or an old rucksack, an empty tissue box or [...]
What you need A snippet of these songs, or a variety of your own choice [...]
What you need An open space (can be indoors or outdoors), A soft foam ball [...]
What you need Just a comfy little corner to sit in! Benefits Puppet books such [...]
What you need Just yourselves and a nice and cosy area in your house. Benefits [...]
What you need Your voices and some coloured fabrics or objects: Red, yellow, pink, green, [...]
What you need A big bowl or tray Water Different shaped sponges Small pieces of [...]
What you need Pairs of household objects that make a noise e.g. pans and wooden [...]
What you need Build your own den with a large bed sheet or blanket, some [...]
What you need A large box or bucket that can contain water Small items to [...]